Sometimes irritating
For the most part it’s a correctly-functioning collection of 40 or so versions of solitaire. But it’s hard to play quickly. The layouts are concerned with appearance rather than comprehension; stacks of cards have to line up nicely, and the player can’t tell at a glance which pile, e.g., is the reserve and which the foundation. Card movement is finicky, and while your eye will see that card A should be on card B, a single click will only move it to the first available space, and then the next, and then back to the first. How much easier it would be if a click selected a card or group of cards, and another designated its destination!
Automatic playout is too slow, and scoring, although mathematically correct according to the formula given in the game description, gives the appearance of being random in the actual operation.
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Full Deck Solitaire, v1.63